Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy new year

The new year is just about to begin. Every year it feels like this is the time to begin anew and put new ideas into practice.

I have many things that I could improve upon. LOL

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Moment of thought

Today on our military base I had to take some last minute packages to be shipped (an online order was unexpectedly delayed... so I cancelled and sent via FedEx)

Anyway, as I was standing in line all five children were with me and in high spirits. I felt like I was remaining calm but was bein firm in direction. I also was starting to be VERY out of place as the rest of the customers were all single young military members... and I felt like they were staring.

As I stood there disciplining my children for the umpteenth time, a voice from behind me said " I miss my Mom"

I turned around and saw a fresh faced young Marine with lotions in his hand.

When I turned around and looked at him he said "I really miss my mom" "You guys are going to miss her one day" he said to my kids.

It was a little reminder to *me that though they are little and drive me crazy sometimes, they'll grow up too . I also am going to say a little prayer for those Military members who are far from the people that they love this Holiday.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

My first Christmas Gift

My first gift this season came from Monkey boy (#5) As we were heading out to pick up the big brothers at school I look in the rearview mirror as he proceeds to get ill ALL OVER.

Chorus for the Alpha Daughter is tonight, I'm not sure who from the family will be attending now. She seems to have some sort of issue with her important nights and people getting ill, I think this makes 4 in a year?


Wednesday, December 5, 2007

I never know what to say and what to share. I have issues, I know.

But the title of my blog is true! It is how I feel most days. This mothering stuff? I still wonder how I muddle through it all and have appeared to raise semi normal children so far.

Anyway, I hope to do this semi- coherantly and semi-regularly. We shall see!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007


That's the sound of me tiptoeing in. I've never blogged before, heck I think my longest journaling was in 6th grade when I was in *love with Jeff Hand (yes that was his name!)

Life gets so busy and kids do the darnedest things. I figured that having a place where I could share it would be a good thing , right?