Thursday, January 17, 2008


It never ceases to amaze me that when I pray and ask God to lead me, he does. I've been feeling lonely and isolated... God moves wonderful new neighbors in. So wonderful that we can watch American Idol in our robes and slippers together.

I feel led to become more focused in my homemaking vocation (and in turn create a haven for my family) and I find a wealth of blogs on the very subject.

Now if he'd only plop a blogger tutorial in my lap, all would be well in the world. (just kidding,kind of!)

1 comment:

The Nester said...

Yippie! Good for you! Neighbors are wonderful! I've been praying to get a family into the house next door to us. It's been empty since last June and oh, how I hurt for the owners who must still be paying their mortgage.

Bloggie tutorial? I ran across something a few weeks ago. It was a blog about having a blog. I think I found it from Mrs. Fussypants or Like Merchant Ships sidebar links!