Thursday, January 31, 2008


Today the baby (who is 3!!!) got hurt. It reminded me once again how much I, as a parent, despise it when my children are in pain or suffering and I can't make it go away with a band aid and a kiss.

He fell backwards off a bench onto a concrete floor. The ::THUNK:: was horrific and made me queasy. We're pretty sure he had a mild concussion. The great thing about living in my neighborhood is that we have an EMT and Dr. across the street. Because I couldn't get him into the clinic today, they checked him out and just told us to watch him carefully.

By the end of the day he was playing and just generally being his happy little boyself. But so many many thoughts whipped through my mind as he cried and cried. I've been so blessed in the past 12 years, these situations have been minimal and not *really serious. I'm saying a little prayer tonight for children and the parents who are dealing with long term serious health issues. Bandaids and kisses don't always work.

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